Wednesday, June 15

Take 10,379 and couting . . .

It seems like it takes that many pictures to get a decent one- and by decent I mean I may be fortunate, at the end of an at-home photo session, to have ONE where all 3 kids are looking. I can't imagine what it's going to be like with FOUR children, 5 and under. I'm thinking I may have to starting taking pictures of just 2 at a time. . . . we shall see. By now, I know that you can NOT try to plan anything with children because they can be soooo unpredictable.
So, I was just going to give you a glimpse into what it takes to get one cute picture. I was home alone with the kids, getting ready for swim lessons on the last day. They were very excited and running around with their bathing suits on- that yes, coordinated. Hey, if I have to buy clothes then I may as well buy them stuff that matches- makes it easier to keep up with them when we're off too- because I know exactly what colors to look for if someone tries to run off and I'm constantly going down the alphabet making sure everyone is accountable for- just the mommy in me! :-)

Take 1- Gave A the sunglasses to make him happy, put the bow in C's hair, and told Bradley to hold her . . . it's a NO GO. Let's try again. . .

Told the boys to pay attention,  told B not to hold C this time,  put her beside B, and grabbed the camera. Then, look who decides to lie down- no go again folks. Again?

Finally the boys are smiling and looking- so cute, but what is C looking at?

We have success- everyone is looking! But can I get one where everyone is smiling?

Almost! Where is C's bow though?!?!? The boys are saying, "cheese". Good news, A has started to improve a lot with pictures just in time for C to go through  a bad picture phase. She does well if it's just her, and I can focus on only her. And, realize I actually took about 20 pictures on this day- this is just a glimpse for you into the chaos. It's fun though. And, we were all ready early. Loaded up in the car and off we went to swim lessons. More to come on that later!

1 comment:

  1. You should just start croping their faces to fit the right picture :) but they are all SO cute!!
