Tuesday, January 25


One thing never changes with my pregnancies, no matter how many I go through, my cravings. (if you're wondering why I'm talking about this, then you need to read the post from a couple of weeks ago GO HERE) I always crave things early on and it continues throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Thankfully, diabetes doesn't kick in until after 20 weeks so for now I'm able to fulfill the cravings.
I'm sure I won't be able to remember each pregnancy as vividly as I do now, so I wanted to journal them because it is rather interesting to me.  I wonder if it shows what the child will like, his or her favorite foods???  It just amazes me at the difference in each of the pregnancies. Are you like that?  What have your cravings consisted of? Do you tend to crave healthier things or the worst things possible?

Bradley's: Sweets, such as chocolate candy bars.  Hawaiian Punch, and I drank it after every meal so that it would be "better" coming back up (I got sick for about 12 weeks, averaged 3 times a day).  Chocolate Fudge Milkshake from Sonic.  Strawberries, the last 3 months or so I had them every morning with breakfast and sometimes for a snack too.  I was working at Lexington Medical Center at the time and one of the deli's would cut them up and sell them like that.  It was winter and the grocery stores hardly ever had any as ripe and juicy as these.  So, a sweet co-worker would walk all the way across campus to get these for me every morning- those and 3 strips of bacon.  Sweet tea, and it didn't have to be sweetened with sugar, Splenda worked too. Pizza Hut Pan Cheese Pizza.

The Triplet's:  It was weird, as if each of the children had different wants and as quick as one would come it'd be gone and I was wanting something else- often before I could fulfill the previous craving.  However, I really liked the Creamy (sort of like ranch but with a peppery spice) salad dressing sold at Japanese restaurants.  My sweet hubby even bought a pint size container a couple of times from the local Hibachi restaurant.  Strawberry Fruitista from Taco Bell.  Cookies: Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip Oatmeal or even the combination of the 2.  A ham and turkey sandwich with cheese on real, white bread with Duke's Mayo.  Apple Juice Slushes from Sonic.  I was sick a long time with this pregnancy, and I tried to eat more protein as that helps with it.  So, I made my own pasta salad with wheat pasta, chunks of cooked ham, bacon, shredded cheese, almonds, and ranch

Cameron's:  Fudge, cakes, and Cupcakes.  Salads from sub places like Jersey Mikes and even Publix' Deli; turkey, ham, cheese, with shredded lettuce (yeah I know, no real nutrition), cucumbers, pickles, pepper, vinegar, and ranch dressing.  I hated most meats, the only ones I could handle until about 20 weeks had to be shredded, finely cut, or ground.  Cherry Cokes.  Japanese Hibachi.  Zesto's fried chicken, coleslaw, and chocolate-dipped ice cream cones.  Hot fudge sundaes from Rush's or their chocolate milkshakes.  Fries were very tasty as well with vinegar on them- some places have spicy vinegar and that just hit the spot!  Little Debbie Honey Buns and Nutty Bars.  Whopper's Mini Robin Eggs

Baby Wicker's: Oranges and orange juice.  Strawberries and peaches.  Lots of fresh fruits thank goodness . . . finally!  Although sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies (with the Hershey kiss on top have been yummy).  Cherry Coke Icees or Slushes.  Chick-fil-a Nuggets.  I'm still not feeling quite like myself (only 11.5 weeks, so I'm sure I will have many more cravings this pregnancy). 

I never eat that much the first 12-16 weeks, but somewhere after 16 weeks my appetite begins to grow.  And, at about 22 weeks I'm so hungry I want to eat everything in site.  With diabetes I can't eat until I'm full, so I just deal with it.  I remember at the end of Cameron's pregnancy I told Chris I was going to be the only women to ever have a baby and gain weight afterwards, because I just couldn't wait until I got full. Then, I had her and realized there was no time to eat anymore! :-) ha ha

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