Sunday, June 13

It's down for the count

I didn't want anyone to think I wasn't going to follow through with my promise of pictures in my last post(read HERE).  I was planning to post pictures while away on vacation last week.  We arrived and on the first night there I turned on my laptop and duh, duh, duh . . . it CRASHED! It appears that my hard drive died.  I've been devastated as there are a lot of pictures on there that haven't been backed up. So, after a huge meltdown on my part Chris called our awesome, computer guy (and close friend) and he thinks he can salvage my pictures.  So, we are back home now and I just have to take the computer to him.  I'm not sure when I can get it to him as it seems as though the babies may be getting sick (AKA very fusyy and not sleeping so well).  So, just bare with me and hopefully it will be up and running very soon.  Pray my pictures are all there too; my laptop held pictures as far back as the triplets arrival and I'm not sure what and if I have any on our flash drive.  Hope everyone has a great week; stay cool!

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