Saturday, June 19

Spring 2010

Lexington UMC Preschool Egg Hunt
Our ABC's!

Cameron in the hospital on phototherapy for jaundice.
She seemed to really love "laying out"!

1st picture of the new Wicker Family
Easter 2010

Our Sweet Babies

Cameron's 1st Bath

In the car waiting to pick strawberries

Our awesome double stroller

Sleeping soundly while Mama does laundry

Cameron's Baptism
Mother's Day 2010

Wicker Family
Mother's Day 2010

Sweet Girl in her precious headband made by a dear friend. 
More info to come on how to get one of Tricia's adorable creations.

Austin's cheese face
He does this when you tell him to do his cheese face; I should have named it ham face since he's such a ham!

Friday, June 18

Cameron's BIRTH Day

I got my computer back and our dear, sweet friend was able to retrieve my pictures! Yay! Thank you so much Michael! So, I'm going to start posting pictures to pay back my "lurkers".  Thank you all for your sweet comments and emails; I loved hearing from all of you.  Please keep in touch, and I'd love to hear from you more often.

Cameron Grace made her appearance at 8:17am on March 18th. 

She was 7lbs 2 oz, 19 inches long.  She was close to big brother, Bradley's birth size who was 7lbs 5oz and 18.75 inches long. However, she was much bigger than her big brother, Austin who was only 1lb 7oz and 12.5 inches long. 

Thank you Jenny and Beth (NICU nurses that took care of Austin  . . .and us!) for attending the delivery! It was very comforting to have 2 friends there to take care of our baby girl.  Two NICU nurses attend every full-term c-section at Richland.  Jenny brought Cameron over to me to see her for the first time.  Sorry, if y'all had to wade out of there with all the amniotic fluid I had! The nurses in the delivery said that when the doctor "broke my water" amniotic fluid came rushing out of me and over the side onto the floor.  That doesn't normally happen, and was due to me having polyhydramnios so bad.

Mama and Daddy with their youngest little girl!

Big Brothers Bradley and Austin seeing their sister for the first time.  They weren't allowed to go into special care nursery and had to wait a couple of days to touch and hold her.

Bradley's 1st time holding his youngest sister. It was precious!

Sunday, June 13

It's down for the count

I didn't want anyone to think I wasn't going to follow through with my promise of pictures in my last post(read HERE).  I was planning to post pictures while away on vacation last week.  We arrived and on the first night there I turned on my laptop and duh, duh, duh . . . it CRASHED! It appears that my hard drive died.  I've been devastated as there are a lot of pictures on there that haven't been backed up. So, after a huge meltdown on my part Chris called our awesome, computer guy (and close friend) and he thinks he can salvage my pictures.  So, we are back home now and I just have to take the computer to him.  I'm not sure when I can get it to him as it seems as though the babies may be getting sick (AKA very fusyy and not sleeping so well).  So, just bare with me and hopefully it will be up and running very soon.  Pray my pictures are all there too; my laptop held pictures as far back as the triplets arrival and I'm not sure what and if I have any on our flash drive.  Hope everyone has a great week; stay cool!