Saturday, April 4

Our two BIG boys!

We do have two big boys, but in different ways. Bradley is a big boy, because he has officially taken over as Austin's protector. He now tells people "don't to get too close" to his brother as he is repeating what Chris and I say when we're outside or at doctor's appointments. He is stil doing well with Austin and loves him very much. Austin is a big boy too as he was 8lbs 2.5 oz at his weight check yesterday! He was 43 weeks gestation yesterday and is 4 1/2 months old. We got good news this past week that Ausitn's ROP has improved to a Grade I, and the doctor said that is a huge improvement. He said he still has a long way to go until his retina mature, so he'll continued to be followed closely. We go back in 2 weeks. We also, after a rough week last week, found out that Austin has a protein allergy. We are unsure if this is milk, soy, or both. So, he has been put on Neocate formula the most pure, broken down formula. At this point he can't use my milk that is occupying our entire deep freezer, but we are hopeful that after 4-6 months of this diet he can try it again. Breastmilk is so important for babies, so we really want to use it (plus the fact that I worked hard for that stuff!). We saw Austin's gastroenterologist this past week, and he was pleased that regardless of Ausitn's protein allergy and reflux he has still continued to gain weight. He claims that his reflux will improve, but we are still having problems with it are still using 3 medications to try to control it. Austin has continued to spit-up a good amount over the last few days. Bradley had a lot of trouble with reflux too (and had a milk protein allergy that he thankfully outgrew as Austin should too- we're praying), so we're just haning in there and know it should get better eventually. As long as Austin gains weight and the reflux doesn't harm his lungs we don't want to do anything too drastic. Austin's physical therapist came this past week, and told me some things to do to work with Austin. She will come back in about 5 weeks and wants to see more head control and some smiling. We're going to work on tummy time with him to strengthen his upper body muscles, work on keeping his arms and head midline, and try to prevent him from turning his head to the right so much. A preemie, especially one born as early as Austin, can be developmentally behind even for their gestational age. We still don't know what Austin is capable of after suffering the brain bleed, but the idea is to intervene as early as possible to give him the best chance at a "normal" life. We're going to attempt to go to an Easter egg hunt tomorrow in our neighborhood. I know Bradley will love it. Plus, we went to the flower show out at the Farmer's Market yesterday. We have been going for lots of walks in the evenings, so Bradley and I aren't so stir crazy. Chris and I have both spent some one-on-one time with Bradley outside this past week. We have purchased a swing set for the boys that should be installed in the next couple of weeks. Bradley is so excited about it as it was his birthday present and has been patiently waiting for it. We've also bought a storage building that will be built in a couple of weeks. Plus, one of the sweet respiratory therapist from the NICU does gorgeous landscaping designs (let me know if you want her info). She is designing our backyard for us since we haven't had a chance to do anything to it yet. She'll draw up the plan, and it will take a few years to get everything planted as we'll do the labor. Our goal is to put in an irrigation system and lay the sod this year. Anyone want to help lay some sod in the next couple of months? :-) We can offer a good meal for a reward! I know God knew what he was doing when he lent us these two boys. We're an active family that loves the outdoors. We look forward to many good days with our big boys in our backyard!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, We'd all love to see some pictures of Austin to see how BIG he is growing. Talk to ya soon. Love, Sarah
