Bradley learned about the 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) last month at preschool, so we’ve been talking about those some at home. I realized that most of the time when I explain one of them to him that I list my favorite things. Who wouldn’t want to think about their favorite senses instead of least favorite ones? My least favorite ones, in my day to day life of being a full time mom, certainly include: smelly diapers, crying children, and sticky messes. However, my favorites greatly outweigh my dislikes.
Sight: My children smiling and happy, watching the boys play together and watching them grow are definitely some of my favorite sights of being a mom. I love being able to see them all day, everyday. Seeing Cameron move inside my stomach and during the ultrasounds has been a favorite too as they have with all 5 of our children. (See below to read an update on my pregnancy) Another sight I love is watching the boys reach developmental milestones, especially Austin since we didn’t know what to expect when he was discharged from the hospital. He is doing so well with them; he is pulling up, cruising, crawling and creeping, and just all over the place. He has even stood a few seconds on his own. He seems very cautious, so I think he could do more than he shows us. Bradley was very cautious too. Bradley’s big things he is doing, is driving the Gator that they received for Christmas like a pro. He weaves in and out of things with only one hand on the wheel nonetheless. He can run, jump, stand on one foot, and throw and catch balls well too. Also love riding his bicycle (with training wheels) and little Hot wheel.
Hearing: Austin’s vocabulary has really started to grow. He is saying about 10 words; Ma ma, Da da, done, hey, no no, uh oh, and something for Bradley are just a few. We never know what he is going to say next! Bradley speaks in full paragraphs now and carries on complete conversations with us. I certainly love hearing him tell me that he loves me, and he often tells us when he wakes up that he missed us. Bradley tells us the craziest things; he always makes us laugh. The sound of Bradley and Austin’s laughter certainly warms my heart too, especially when they are laughing with each other.
Taste: Cookies and other food cooked with Bradley taste so much better than other foods. Slobbery kisses given by both Austin and Bradley are awesome. Austin will give us open mouth wet kisses when we ask and he is willing.
Smell: Freshly bathed children rate among the top of my favorite smells. Then, them all “lotioned up” and in clean clothes is great too. We love being outdoors as a family, so the smell of fresh air is a favorite scent of motherhood too.
Touch: Holding and cuddling my children has to be my favorite “touch”. I love holding their hands too. I cherish that I have my children with me 24-7, so I love being able to have them close to cuddle anytime of the day.
Pregnancy/Cameron Update: I’m 30 weeks along in this pregnancy! Since I’m insulin dependent now (gestational diabetes) my doctor is thinking of pushing out the c-section date. The original plan was to take her between 36-37 weeks. A side effect of the insulin is that Cameron’s lungs may not be as mature as a baby whose mother doesn’t have to have insulin. So, she may have another 9 weeks or so to grow if all goes as my doctor is hoping. We just have to see how big she gets; if she reaches close to 4 kilos (8.8lbs) he’ll take her. I’ll get to see her lots, starting in a few weeks, as I’ll have weekly BPP’s and nonstress test. A BPP is an ultrasound that measures the baby's heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing, and the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. A nonstress test checks the baby’s heart rate to see how it handles the baby’s movement. Both of these tests are done when insulin dependent to ensure that the baby is healthy to avoid complications related to diabetes. My last ultrasound was 2 weeks ago, and everything looked good. They checked my cervix, which was doing well, for the last time as after 28 weeks all women begin to have changes and there is no way to gauge what they mean. Cameron weighed in at almost 3lbs and measured about 1 week ahead of her due date. I’m doing nightly “kick counts” as per my OB’s request since I’m high risk. I must feel her move 10 separate time in less than 2 hours. She usually gets them all in about 30 minutes; she is a very active little girl!
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