Wednesday, November 11

You're Growing Like a Weed . . .

My Grandmama Shipley always used to say that when my brother and I were younger. She even said it into our teenager years once we stopped growing, and often repeated it during our visits. So, we always used to get a good laugh about it. However, now that I have children I realize that she was probably in disbelief about how fast we were growing up. I catch myself watching, more like staring at, the boys playing and doing other day-to-day activities. If anyone has any clue as to how to stop this please let me know!

Bradley is no longer a toddler in anyway, shape or form. He is wearing mostly 5T clothes, and recently when we bought his winter coat we had to go to the big boy section to find one that fit. He has outgrown every 5-point harness that we can find, that makes at least 4 car seats that he has outgrown of ours. So, we recently moved him up to the booster seat that buckles in with the regular seat belt. He, of course, was very excited to pick out a new one. He chose one with sports balls and planes. Bradley has also continued to grow with his verbal skills. I don’t think there are any words that are too big for him now. Cute story about his growing vocabulary:
When I get “sick” I take off for the bathroom, and Bradley usually follows right behind me.
B: Where are you going Mama? You have to tee tee? Are you sick? You gonna frow up? (his questions are one after another in about 2 seconds)
L: Mama is just going to the bathroom. Why don’t you go play?
B: I want to stay with you. Uh oh, you feel sick? Are you going to frow up? Mama it’s ok; you’ll be OK. (as he is standing there watching me) EWWW, that is Disgrosting! Mama you frowing up!
So, he has made a new word combining disgusting and gross, and I think it’s a very good description when someone is “frowing up”.

Austin has gotten very mobile lately. He is rolling and scooting, on his stomach and booty, around the den to get where he wants. It’s amazing to watch, but if he sees you watching he won’t do it. He is babbling like crazy. His favorite words are “Da da” and “hey”. He will also give a little wave for hello and bye if you wave to him, and he shakes his head “no” when he is particularly frustrated and says “na na na” sometimes . He gets frustrated when his physical therapist is here as he gets tired from all the hard work during the session. He continues to do well with his development, and his EI and PT are pleased. He has started to get physical therapy sessions every other week now since he is older and can do more. So, now he has some sort of therapy once a week. We’re also getting a speech evaluation next week for some feeding issues. He is unable to eat any table foods; he does fine with baby foods of all stages, but can’t handle anything else. If the smallest piece of food gets in his mouth he gags and will usually throw up. So, we’ll see what that is about. It’s common for preemies to have a feeding issue whether that be from their time on the vent, which causes an arch in the top of the mouth (palatal groove) and can complicate eating, or from the time with the OG tube that was used to feed him for the first 10 weeks or so of his life before he could bottle feed. We’re aren’t too worried about it though, because he doesn’t have any trouble gaining weight and that is the main thing. Hopefully whatever the issue is can be fixed after some therapy. His makes this cute smacking noise when he is hungry and will now do it when imitating us. It almost sounds like he blowing kisses, and he has been giving us sweet kisses on our cheek for awhile. They’re big, slobbery, and so sweet. In the last week he has started to say, “Ma ma” and something for Bradley too that I can’t replicate into words, but it’s obviously his word for his brother.  Austin also got his first haircut last week, and did well with it.  The cut will allow us to spike his hair again; it's adorable and fits his personality very well.  We also had to move him into a bigger rear facing car seat, because the infant carrier was getting to small.  God is so amazing!

Someone else is also growing fast, “Daisy”! For those of you who don’t know Bradley has said, since we first found out we were expecting, “it’s a gwril and her name is Daisy . . . Daisy Duck!” He pronounces girl in such a cute way. So, we’ve just called the baby, Daisy, as we thought it was cute and said we’d change the name either way depending on the sex. Daisy is growing well as you can see from the attached picture of my belly. We had an ultrasound last week, and the baby weighed 10 ounces and is in the 65% for its gestational age. All the organs and everything else looked good. The baby was extremely active, but we already knew that from previous ultrasounds and the movements that I feel.

This pregnancy has been very different from the previous ones. I’ve been much sicker than before and have continued to still get sick. I’m tired, but at the same time I have a baby that still gets up during most nights. So I thought maybe it’s sleep deprivation, but a lot of people started telling me that girl make you sicker. I’ve been very emotional and had lots of headaches too. Everyone continued to say it’s a girl, so we found out this week and . . .

It’s a GIRL!!!!

Cameron Grace is such a God given miracle. My OB said that even though my body looked good that 20-24 weeks can be hard on someone who has a history of incompetent cervix. The baby goes through a huge growth spurt then and can cause crazy things. So, I have to continue to use precaution and take it easy as much as possible. He hopes that if I make it past 24 weeks that we’ll be in the clear. I’m 20 weeks as of Monday, November 9th. So, we’re getting there and are asking for everyone to pray that God gives us another miracle (as we know He can make anything happen) and allows to make it to full term hopefully while still being able to care for the boys.

We're getting excited about the holidays and cooler weather.  I went in the hopital last November 4th and stayed until right before Thanksgiving.  The rest of November and early December were a blur, and it didn't really get any better for a couple of months. I missed the leaves turning and falling, so this year the colors have seemed so vivid compared to what I remember.  God made our world so beautiful, and I'm amazed by it.

I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9: 1-2

The boys playing in their pj's

Bradley cheesin'

Austin is all smiles

Austin's 1st haircut

Big boy Bradley sitting by himself for his haircut

After his haircut in his new big boy carseat

Austin after his haircute in his big boy carseat too

"Daisy" is growing
I'll post the ultrasound pics of her as soon as I have a chance to scan them in.

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